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Form Name

Note : Write the name of your College in the same way as you want it to be displayed on your About Us page. For example 'Adhyeyan School of Education'. Maximum 30 characters allowed including spaces. Use Proper combination of Upper case and lowercase letters.

Note :

  1. This image will be shown as the main image on the about us page.
  2. Its recommended that you upload front view photo of your College Building.
  3. Upload HD quality image.
  4. Landscape mode image is expected.
  5. Dimensions : Width 1400 pixels Height : 450 pixels
  6. Image Extensions Allowed : .jpg or .png
  7. Resize image before uploading
  8. In case you do not upload image then a default image will be used.

Note : Write at least 12 lines about your College or organisation. Give detailed introduction. To write a good introduction we recommend to use 'ChatGPT'. You can format text using 'VISUAL' tab shown above.